The following data is based on the Berkeley Earth all land monthly average temperature dataset. Absolute temperatures are provided in addition to normalized temperatures with base period 1951-1980.
For more, please refer to the original website.
In [3]:
import pandas as pd
import calendar
URL = ""
COLUMNS = ["year", "month_idx", "temp_anomaly"]
MONTH_MAPPING = {idx: abbr for idx, abbr in enumerate(calendar.month_abbr)}
BASE_TEMP = { 1: 2.62, 2: 3.23, 3: 5.33,
4: 8.36, 5: 11.37, 6: 13.53,
7: 14.41, 8: 13.93, 9: 12.12,
10: 9.26, 11: 6.12, 12: 3.67}
def fetch_global_temperatures(file):
df = pd.read_csv(URL, skiprows=34, header=None, delim_whitespace=True,
usecols=range(3), names=COLUMNS)
# get absolute temperature by anomaly + base values
df["temp_absolute"] = df["month_idx"].map(BASE_TEMP) + df["temp_anomaly"]
# add month names
df["month"] = df["month_idx"].map(MONTH_MAPPING)
df.to_csv(file, index=False)